Configuration of Research Culture: Investment, Process, and Norm




research culture, teacher education, narrative inquiry


Research is a priority in higher education institutions. Considering that the development of research culture is highly influenced by the paradigm by which institutions operate on, this paper sought to identify the configuration of the research culture. The researcher conducted a narrative inquiry with key informants from seven reputable teacher education institutions in Region VII and coded the interview transcripts with the aid of NVIVO 11.3.2. Using Thematic Analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006), three overarching themes on the configuration of the research culture, with its corresponding attributes and characteristics, were identified. The results showed that the research culture consists of observable and measurable inputs and outputs that interact in internal and external dynamics that are developmental and systemic, leading to standardized and contextualized practices in a teacher education institution. Therefore, research culture is an investment, a process, and a norm as it is evidence-based, dynamic, and distinct to the academic institution.

Author Biography

Michelle Mae Olvido, Cebu Normal University

Board Secretary V


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How to Cite

Olvido, M. M. (2020). Configuration of Research Culture: Investment, Process, and Norm. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 8(2), 1–13.


