L1 as a Tool for Dialogic Discourse in an ESL Classroom during Pre-Writing Stage





dialogic discourse, first language (L1), second language learning, collaborative writing, critical language pedagogy


This descriptive-qualitative study investigated L1 functions in the pre-writing stage in the L2 context. It explored how L1 in the pre-writing stage built dialogic engagement as a form of empowerment necessary to engage in L2 writing. Grade 8 students conducted community interviews to gather local and national issues needed to elicit small group pre-writing discussions. Guided by the sociocultural theory of learning by Vygotsky and the dialogic model of Alexander (2010), results revealed that the speakers' L1 has significant roles in L2 writing. These identified classroom L1-supported discourses further build dialogic engagement among the participants, showing their empowered roles through problem-posing, referencing, reflecting, and problem-solving. Such L1-dialogic engagement further allows learners to penetrate social realities, which helps them to build critical awareness of their society. Data open implications for teaching English, specifically promoting critical language pedagogy in second language learning.


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How to Cite

Salayo , J., Gatcho, A. R., & Titar-Improgo, C. M. (2024). L1 as a Tool for Dialogic Discourse in an ESL Classroom during Pre-Writing Stage. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 12(1), 111–123. https://doi.org/10.32871/rmrj2412.01.09


