Effects of Game-Based Activities on Student's Social Skills and Attitudes toward Learning Science
game-based activities, social skills, attitude inventory, pedagogical tool, ecosystemAbstract
This study evaluated the effectiveness of four game-based activities (GBAs) in teaching ecosystems to Grade 7 Biology students. Involving 69 students (34 control, 35 experimental), the quasi-experimental study used a mixed-methods approach. The researcher utilized a static-group comparison design for the quantitative phase and a thematic analysis for the qualitative phase. Quantitative analysis revealed significant improvements in the experimental group's social skills (p<0.05; Cohen’s d = 0.63) and conceptual understanding (p<0.05; Cohen’s d = 0.86). Descriptive statistical analysis also suggests that GBAs can foster positive attitudes toward using GBAs and learning. Qualitative data from journal entries and teacher-observer interviews highlighted enhanced communication, collaboration, confidence, and participation among students using GBAs. The study also recognized the interconnection between conceptual understanding, social skills, and attitude toward learning, not just as pedagogical tools but also as practical tools in improving students’ affective domain, creating a safe environment beneficial for the learning process in general.
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