Emissivity of “Grey” Bodies, Surface Roughness and other Measures


  • Randy K. Salazar University of San Jose-Recoletos
  • Cris Lawrence B. Laurente University of San Jose-Recoletos




emissivity, grey body, surface roughness, electron microscopy, fractal dimension, heat transfer, thermal radiation, regression analysis


The Stefan-Boltzmann law quantifies the radiating energy of a body, but this requires knowledge on emissivity. The surface emissivity values more often are determined using instruments in a test or experiments. This procedure may not be practical for large objects that are difficult to mount in a laboratory. This paper reviews the different concepts and dimensions that affect emissivity. This explores the relationship of emissivity with the selected thermodynamic properties, dimensions including the surface microstructure of the material. Thermodynamic properties and surface microstructure images from online sources were utilized as data for the selected materials. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) provides the rest of the unavailable images. Fractal image analysis characterized and gave dimension to the roughness of the surface microstructure of the material. Different regression models of the relevant dimensions were tested to determine the statistical relation and the optimum correlation to emissivity. Overall, the calculated values of the emissivity model of the study yields strong correlation with the published emissivity values.

Author Biography

Randy K. Salazar, University of San Jose-Recoletos

is a Mechanical Engineer, Assistant Professor of the University of San Jose Recoletos teaching Mechanical Engineering. Holder of a Masters in Science in Management Engineering from the University of San Jose Recoletos and finishing his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering – Dynamic Design Systems at the University of San Carlos.


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How to Cite

Salazar, R. K., & Laurente, C. L. B. (2014). Emissivity of “Grey” Bodies, Surface Roughness and other Measures. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.32871/rmrj1402.02.14


