Companion: A Social Support Generating Application for Lonely and Socially Isolated Individuals using Lazy Supervised Algorithm


  • Marisa M. Buctuanon University of San Jose-Recoletos
  • Xavier Comabig University of San Jose-Recoletos
  • Wavina Vivienne Mayola University of San Jose-Recoletos



Social support group, loneliness, social isolation, KNN, instance-based algorithm, lazy supervised algorithm


The adverse effect of depression, which is a significant health problem associated with loneliness and social isolation, leads to suicidal ideation, alcohol use, cardiovascular disease, and altered brain function. Administering them with appropriate and effective mental health outreach and treatment services can prevent and alleviate these effects. Studies state that being with individuals who can help them cope with their situation under the supervision of a professional psychologist or psychiatrist can help them achieve a state of well-being. Thus, this study develops Companion, an app that utilizes the KNN algorithm to create a social support group that matches a seeker to the group based on his interest and problem at hand. He finds new friends with whom he can feel a sense of care, love, understanding, and belongingness. It comes with a set of physical activities designed for the group. The algorithm yields an 84% accuracy rate after evaluating the result.

Author Biography

Marisa M. Buctuanon, University of San Jose-Recoletos

Marisa M. Buctuanon is an advocate of cellular nutrition. She is an IT professional who worked for 1 year as a Software Engineer developing Microsoft supported projects. She has the passion for sharing algorithmic expertise to the College of Information, Computer and Communications Technology in University of San Jose - Recoletos. She is a member of Recoletos Educational Assistance for Deserving Students. She graduated Bachelor of Science in Computer Science major in Natural Language Processing, Cum laude. She finished her Master in Computer Science in Cebu Institute of Technology - University.


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How to Cite

Buctuanon, M. M., Comabig, X., & Mayola, W. V. (2020). Companion: A Social Support Generating Application for Lonely and Socially Isolated Individuals using Lazy Supervised Algorithm. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 8(1), 97–111.


