The Philippine K to 12 Junior Science Program in Thematic Instruction
Philippine K to 12 Science Curriculum, thematic instruction, thematic instructional model, K to 12 Program in the PhilippinesAbstract
The present study describes the attempt to achieve the competencies of the Philippine K to 12 Science Program through thematic instruction. It seeks to address the challenges encountered by science teachers with the current curriculum design. The researchers used a thematic instructional model in giving classroom instruction. Two sets of pre-service teachers, taking part as facilitators and as observers, were purposely chosen in the study. The researchers used convergent mixed methods design in analysing the pre-service teachers' experience and observations in teaching through thematic instruction. Results revealed that the thematic instruction implemented in the study has the potential to address the challenges of the current K to 12 science curriculum in terms of design, lesson content, and implementation. Consequently, the results suggest that the thematic instruction design in the study can be used to help achieve the desired outcomes of the K to 12 Science Curriculum.
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