Enhancing the Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Hydroponic System Using Magnetized Irrigation Water
agriculture, magnetized water, irrigation, growth, lettuce, hydroponic systemAbstract
The application of magnetic technology to agricultural productions is considered new breakthroughs to the enhancement of food production. However, studies about its application on the hydroponic system of production on high valued crops are limited. Hence, the present study assessed the effect of magnetically-treated water on the growth and yield parameters of lettuce in hydroponic system. Magnetic device with different number of permanent magnets was used to magnetize irrigation water in the hydroponic system. Uniform and healthy seedlings are transplanted and arranged completely randomized design. Magnetically treated water enhanced the growth and yield parameters of lettuce such as weekly height, leaf area, fresh weight, and root length. The height, leaf area, fresh weight, and root length increased up to 44.30%, 199.93%, 50.72%, and 37.00%, respectively vs. the control. Results revealed that magnetic treatment for water in hydroponic system has potentials to increase the growth of lettuce and consequently its yield.
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