The Effect of Consumer Innovativeness, Perceived Benefits, Perceived Risk, and Brand Image in the Decision to Buy Online


  • Jame Bryan L. Batara University of San Carlos
  • Joanna Paula R. Mariblanca University of San Carlos
  • Karlo Mar D. Kinaadman University of San Carlos
  • Jandall Airon B. Go University of San Carlos



online shopping, consumer innovativeness, perceived benefit, perceived risk, brand image


With the advancing technology, online shopping is pacing fast. This calls for looking into factors that influence a consumer’s decision to buy online. With this, the present study investigated four variables namely consumer innovativeness, perceived benefit, perceived risk, and brand image and its impact toward consumer’s decision to buy online. To address this aim, four hundred eighty (480) participants were recruited online and randomly assigned into one of the sixteen treatment conditions with the presence and/or absence of the four variables being investigated. Results of two-way analysis of variance showed that, in an online selling platform, the presence of consumer innovativeness and perceived benefit, the presence of perceived benefit and perceived risk, and brand image had significant influence in one’s decision to buy online. Findings provide implications towards improving an online website’s shopping platform which may motivate the consumer to buy.

Author Biography

Jame Bryan L. Batara, University of San Carlos

I am a faculty member and the research coordinator of the Department of Psychology, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines. I am also a faculty member and the research committee head of the Department of General Education and Mission of the same institution. At the university level, I am one of the representatives for School of Arts and Sciences Research Council and a member of the University Research Ethics Committee. As a licensed psychometrician, I am a member and a regular research presentor of the Psychological Association of the Philippines. I obtained my bachelor and masters degree in Social Psychology at University of San Carlos and earned units in PhD in Social Psychology at University of the Philippines – Diliman.

Outside of my university functions, I am also invited as a reviewer of journals recognized by the Philippines’ Commission on Higher Education namely University of the Visayas Journal and Philippine Journal of Psychology, and international peer-reviewed journals such as International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, and Interpersona: An International Journal of Personal Relationships. I conduct group dynamics activities to school-based organizations and provide assistance to medical and social science researchers in their research data analyses.


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How to Cite

Batara, J. B. L., Mariblanca, J. P. R., Kinaadman, K. M. D., & Go, J. A. B. (2018). The Effect of Consumer Innovativeness, Perceived Benefits, Perceived Risk, and Brand Image in the Decision to Buy Online. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 6(1).


