Paul Ricoeur's Mystery of Hermeneutics and Identity


  • Mario Mapote Isabela State University



poetic imperative, categorical imperative, fusion of horizon, justice, love, hermeneutics, mystery of hermeneutics, mystery of identity


The study is a reflection on the phenomenological hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur which is based on the selected issues entangling the mystery of hermeneutics in relation to identity.  It delves into hermeneutics -- its kind, characteristics, and various relevant topics such as the role of philosophy, theology, biblical/sacred writing, history, culture, media, relation between the text-author and the reader-interpreter, human identity and character, love and justice, ethics and morality, law and command and the like. In a comprehensive manner, it also analyzes the phenomenological hermeneutics of Ricoeur exploring into the interpretation on the mystery of hermeneutics on the self and identity i.e. the human person who is created into the “image of God†capable of giving love, justice and embracing the fullness of hermeneutics of the self that was perfected in the “image of Christ.†The human person is the entire project that journeys toward meaningful existence concretized by man’s search for ultimate happiness. It is a movement towards fulfilling the character, nature or essence of his being. It is a process of turning one’s being into its becoming.  This project called humanity is a path that every person must walk on to attain his end. No one can escape this project.


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How to Cite

Mapote, M. (2016). Paul Ricoeur’s Mystery of Hermeneutics and Identity. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 4(1).


