Flourishing in the Later Years: Exploring, Developing, Validating, and Reliability Testing of a Flourishing Scale for Filipino Older Adults





flourishing, Filipino, older adults, scale, content validity, reliability


This study developed, validated, and tested the reliability of the flourishing scale for Filipino older adults.  The exploratory sequential mixed methods approach and the purposive snowball sampling technique were utilized. The study revealed nine themes: life triumphs, activities, attitude, relationships, emotions, resources, life purpose, life lessons, and spirituality. These served as bases for the nine items developed, constituting the flourishing scale. The scale evaluation revealed an I-CVI > 0.78 and S-CVI/Ave = 0.943, which indicated excellent content validity with all items maintained. For reliability testing, Cronbach’s alpha analysis yielded α = .865, indicating a reliable and acceptable scale. Recommendations to utilize the flourishing scale for Filipino older adults are provided in nursing practice and nursing education.


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How to Cite

Ibañez, J. B. . ., Galindo, T. F., Menor, J. M., & Palompon, D. (2024). Flourishing in the Later Years: Exploring, Developing, Validating, and Reliability Testing of a Flourishing Scale for Filipino Older Adults. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 12(1), 85–97. https://doi.org/10.32871/rmrj2412.01.07


