Theory of Adaptation of Educators Teaching Technology-Based Courses




adaptation, higher education, technology-based, grounded theory


The need for resilience among educators has become a critical demand during the COVID-19 pandemic when in-person classes were restricted and were converted into distance learning and eventually shifted to blended learning as governments opened borders and health safety protocols eased down. Hence, this study focuses on understanding how educators of technology-based courses in public higher education across academic landscapes have navigated for continuous instructional delivery. This study utilizes the Straussian approach of Grounded Theory. This design uses a three-stage coding methodology: open, axial, and selective coding. The study generates the Theory of Educators Teaching Technology-Based Courses across academic landscapes, which postulates that educators in technology-based courses undergo phases of metamorphosis that include visioning, learning, rationalizing and doing, and modernizing, ultimately allowing them to become resilient and adaptive to the shifting landscapes of the academe caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Pinatil, L., & Ramos, A. (2023). Theory of Adaptation of Educators Teaching Technology-Based Courses. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 11(1), 103–118.


