The Community of Inquiry Instructional Strategies Impact on Student Satisfaction on Remote Learning




remote learning, online learning, Community of Inquiry (CoI), course design, instructional strategies, perceived learning, student satisfaction


The COVID-19 restrictions compelled institutions worldwide to transition into the remote teaching-learning modality abruptly. Studies evaluating the effectiveness of remote teaching and learning strategies are scant. With the recent shift to this new learning mode, little is known about the fulfillment of learning outcomes and student satisfaction. This research examines the impact of the teaching-learning course design and instructional strategies as implemented by this faculty researcher last school year 2020-2021. It intends to provide practical guidance for teachers aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of their remote teaching/strategies. The research is both quantitative (causal) and qualitative design. A total of 104 management students from a Philippine state university participated in an online survey. The quantitative investigation assessed the influence of the independent variables – the Community of Inquiry (CoI) presence strategies, course design, and instructional strategies on students’ perceived learning and satisfaction, utilizing the CoI framework and adopting scales from online teaching.


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How to Cite

Chaves, M. G. F. (2022). The Community of Inquiry Instructional Strategies Impact on Student Satisfaction on Remote Learning. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 191–204.


