Understanding the Suicide Phenomenon from the Perspectives of the Loss Survivors





suicide, survivors, bereavement, psychosocial, intervention, debriefing


The study is descriptive qualitative research that illustrates the circumstances and new dynamics contributing to the never-ending suicide occurrences. It described first-hand real-life experiences of the suicide-loss survivors to determine the contexts, reasons, and implications of suicide and recommend community-based intervention strategies. Purposive-criterion and convenient sampling methods were used to determine the respondents. Focused group discussion and in-depth interviews were conducted to gather data analyzed using Braun & Clarke’s six-phase guide. The findings revealed that the life experiences of the respondents are characterized by regret, pain, and bereavement. Suicides were committed due to dysfunctional families, economic hardships, breakdown of relationships, and drug abuse. The pain of suicide affected both the victim and their survivors and occurs within the psychosocial sphere. Interventions should therefore employ a familial, communitarian, and inter-institutional approach. Local Government Units (LGUs) are recommended to initiate a reach-out community-based suicide intervention program and debriefing services.


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How to Cite

Pederi, R. E. (2022). Understanding the Suicide Phenomenon from the Perspectives of the Loss Survivors. Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(1), 175–190. https://doi.org/10.32871/rmrj2210.01.13


